Thursday, 7 December 2017








This project has been carefully read and approved as meeting the partial requirement for the award of National Diploma in Accountancy, School of Management Studies, Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja.

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Mr. Okeme Adejoh                                              Date
Project Supervisor               

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Mrs. R. A. Haruna                                               Date
Head Of Department                   

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External Examiner                                               Date

This project is dedicated to the master of the universe, and the giver of all knowledge and wisdom.
This project work is also dedicated to our family.
To God be the glory, great things he hath done, for his lovely kindness, protection, guidance and mercy made our National Diploma in Accountancy come true.
My profound gratitude goes to our lovely parent for their encouragement and understanding also spiritual and financial support over us, we pray God will reward them.
We commend the effort of our supervisor Mr. Okeme Adejoh for his advice, guidance, correction and tireless effort; we appreciate his faithful labour on our project work.
Our profound gratitude also goes to our HOD, Mrs. R.A. Haruna, all the lecturers in the department of Accountancy.
Above all, glory is to our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
Value Added Tax (VAT) which is a consumption tax is established to place the sales tax because it has a wider base than the sales tax and because it covers not only local goods but imported goods as well. The federal board of Inland Revenue through its arm known as the Federal Inland Revenue Services is responsible for the administration of value added tax (VAT) in Nigeria. It has a directorate headed by a director; it also has both local and zonal office coordinated by zonal coordinators. The coordinators are responsible for registering viable persons within their respective localities. Findings shows that value added tax (VAT) is the best reviewed so as to create a sense of purpose for its introduction and as well address these problem that necessitated introduction.   
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Content
1.0      introduction
1.1   background of the study
1.2   statement of the problem
1.3   purpose of the study
1.4   significance of the study
1.5   research question
1.6   scope of the study
1.7   limitation of the study

2.0        review of related literature
2.1        the concept of taxation
2.2        definition of value tax
2.3        reason for the establishment of value added tax (VAT)
2.4        objective of value added tax (VAT)
2.5        advantages of value added tax (VAT) administration in Nigeria
2.6        Accounting system
2.7        Effect of value added tax (VAT) on the economy
2.8        Challenges of value added tax (VAT)
2.9        Value added tax and national development

3.0      methodology
3.1        research design and approach
3.2                        area of the study
3.3                        research population and sample
3.4                        description of instrument
3.5                        administration and retrieval of instrument
3.6                        methods of data analysis

4.0        data presentation and analysis
4.1        summary of the find analysis

5.0      summary conclusion and recommendation
5.1        summary
5.2        conclusion
5.3        recommendation
5.4        bibliography

The idea of the introduction of VAT in Nigeria came from report of the study group set up by the federal government in 1991 to review the entire tax system. VAT was proposed and committees were set up to carry out feasibility studies on its implementation in January 1993, government agreed to introduction VAT by the middle of the year. It was later shifted to 1st September, 1993 by which time the relevant legislation would have been made and proper ground work done.
VAT is a replacement of the existing sale tax, which has been in operation under federal government, legislated decree NO7 of 1986 but is operated on the basis of residence.
        The new value added tax was thought to serve as income redistribution strategy skewed in favour of the poor masses. Since VAT is payable only on luxurious items, it may serve as a way of making the much pay for his conspicuous living in a largely poor and depressed society.
        In a similar development, proceeds from VAT are expected to be shared on the basis of 80% to state and 20% to the federal government. At such, money realized from value added tax should go into the provision of basic social amenities such as better roads, transportation poor rural and urban squatters.
        In most cases, many Nigerians expenditure goes on such basic necessities such as food, transport, shelter, education and health. Improving the lost of the poor masses would then mean that diverting all the taxes on conspicuous consumption realized from valued added tax to support these basic necessities of life. Government duty is to ensure a good socially legitimized for it not to attract social upheaval and the disintegration of the bonds of decent society.
The Federal Inland Revenue Service is faced with a lot of problem, enhancing the poor performance of VAT operation, ranging from the structure of leadership which is normally referred to as dimension of organization climate. Taking a look at the study of this nature; the impact of VAT system in Nigeria, one is likely to come up with some identifiable obstacles and problems. The subject vat is noted to be associated with the problem of creating high cost of living currently in Nigeria because the rate, 5% up lifts the cost of production which adversely results to fall in the value of Naira (much money chasing few goods and services). It is also noted that there might be problems regarding response by people in relating to the effect of value added tax (VAT) because some may not likely respond to question relating to VAT rather they may choose to be natural. This creates an extra problem about the knowledge of fact relating to VAT more so, touching the instance of avoidance and evasion, VAT is said to encompass avoidance which is lawful or legal by any means of say manipulating accounting figures in an attempt to pay less or using the influence of employers to pay what ought not be paid. Looking at the area of evasion which is of criminal nature, people are noted to dodge from paying tax which is an income generation process for the government moreso, the writer also wishes to encourage the government to make sure unflinching support are articulately given to more advertisement of VAT for public awareness. 
Taxation is a central fact in government revenue earning and consequently development process. It is one of the major contribution to government revenue and development programme depends on the accumulation of government revenue.

1.   To established and evaluate the objective of value added tax in Nigeria.
2.   To identify the administrative strength of VAT by the Federal Inland Revenue Services (FIRS) this is now known as the Integrated Tax Office (ITO).
3.   To access its prospects for the future by looking into the period of its existence with regards to its positive attributes.
4.   To make suggestion on how to Improve value added tax in Nigeria system.

The merit deducible from the study of this kind takes a greater dimension of the economy since purchasing power (which determines yields) increase with economic growth.
Following this closely is the fact that an ordinary person who is ignorant of the system is kept informed of the tax adoption and the likely consequences he is to face in the event of its evasion it also send a red signal to any VAT officer who may decide to be fraudulent in its implementation.
        It will also help VAT payer to be aware that revenue realized from VAT is an extra ordinary income to petroleum revenue purposely meant for providing infrastructural facilities to Nigeria citizens. The study equally shows that VAT encourages export production and declaring to interested parties in such field an incentive to go into such study that some products are exempted from VAT like book, and other educational materials. This is to encourage investment in such fields and in effect providing education in Nigeria.

A research question is a list of question which the research passes across to the audience to the audience to enable him arrive at a conclusion.
1.   Is VAT relevant to Nigeria economy?
2.   Can Nigeria economy function without VAT?
3.   Is VAT the only source of Nigeria income?
4.   VAT contribution is 60% to the development of Nigeria economy how?
5.   Can the impact of VAT be removed from Nigeria?
6.   Is VAT the life blood of the Nigeria economy?
7.   Can the benefit or the impact of VAT be over emphasized in Nigeria economy?

This project work attempts to look into the impact of value added tax system in Nigeria as a whole. In preparing the tax, the researchers have accomplished the following objectives.
1.   The meaning VAT.
2.   The operation VAT
3.   The categories of goods and services covered by VAT
4.   The expected revenue likely to accrue government as a result of it adoption and implementation.
5.   The problem and prospects likely to be encounter in the implementation.

Value added tax (VAT) is indeed in fairly now develop in the Nigeria tax system perhaps, these explains why reference materials on it are very scanty.
These are some associated elements of affection that negates the extent at which this research should have been done.
Some of such elements among others are as follows:-
1.   Time factor.
2.   Financial constraint.

2.0       The federal government of Nigeria first raised the issue of value added tax. Following appointed by the government to carry out feasibility studies and its implementation is 1993 saw the birth of VAT.
Before VAT, what was in existence was sales tax up until August 1993 unit September when VAT had to replace existing sale tax.
        Proceeds from value added tax shared in ratio 8:2 that is 80% to state government goes to the federal government goes to the federal government. By nature of value added tax, it is a consumable tax; hence, it is relatively easy to administer while very difficult to dodge.

According to Agyie (1983), few studies have been no aspect of value added tax. Much of these studies however; were carried out elsewhere. Value added tax fundamentally was designed to perform a crucial role in Nigeria tax system. As Okeke (2000) point out.
        Value added tax is a from of direct taxation as it is a tax is a form of direct taxation as it is a tax on consumption. It is a device of bring more taxable persons written the tax net it is also a more equitable way of addressing the disparity in sharing the tax burden between the rich, the fairly well to do and the down trodden masses in the society.
As through understanding of the relationship between consumption and societal strata of the society would have contradicted. Okeke’s ideology of VAT addressing the disparity in sharing tax burden between the various segments of the society.
        As Ikhemuche (2002) has so cogently noted the uniform rate of VAT on both luxurious and necessities translated to a regressive tax principle, which consumption taxes are very prone to. The higher the income the less the percentage spent on consumption and consequently the less the percentage paid on consumption tax.
VAT as a tax not on the total value of the goods been sold but only on the value added tax to it by the last seller. The seller, therefore, is liable to pay a tax not on its gross value, but net value, that is the gross value minus the value of inputs. As is Hatia, (2001) point out.
        However, recently economic analysts have been move to study its effect on price level. It was discovered that since its introduction, VAT has induced a high rate of inflation, which is beginning to tighten its grips over the economy according to money matter”(2002).
        The consequence of this is that, the ordinary Nigerians do not see any sense of purpose in its adoption. More recently, Hard Eye newspaper (2003) published that member of the Ghana union Traders Association (GUTA) demanded for the suspension of the country’s introduction of value added tax with the claim that its introduction has reduced trading profit and principally resulted to higher price.
        An interview with Borishade, (2000) with the Nigeria economic described VAT as a fraudulent means of exploiting the masses. In his words, he stated. That “with VAT” the economy problem of the marginalized masses would further be compounded under the present run away inflation.
The above opinion was clarified when Okeke in the same interview stressed that to tax raw materials and intermediate goods is to make consumers pay VAT on both value and cost of goods and the consequence of such tax policy the association warned would impose undue hardship on consumers through price increase. Most writers on vat agree on the fact that VAT has rich potential of generating revenue for the government.
        However, if taxation is imposed on citizen in order to enable the government service the needs of the household consumption. It is in the light of this that Okeke said “man is not opposed to VAT” but we are worried that adequate preparation has not been made to remove initial problems that will result in high cost of goods and services.
        Value added tax is regarded as purchase tax. It is imposed on the sale of goods service and therefore can be regarded to as consumption tax. It is paid only by those who consume the vatable goods and service. VAT is a type of tax paid by fund consumers on good and services consumed.

According to money matter, tax is a consumption or compulsory levy which government imposes on the citizens in order to obtain revenue to finance the activities. Tax may be divided into three areas of study. They are tax policy, tax law and tax administration.
Tax policy is an aspect of public finance and it is concerned with the examination of the nature and behaviour of various taxes and the nature and the implication they may have on public policy. Tax law is the legal instrument by which the government imposes tax on the citizens, while Tax administration is the interpretation and application of the tax law.
Taxation is the legal demand made by the federal government or the state government for its citizens to pay money on income, goods and services.
        Hugh Datsu, in his classical work titled “principles of the public finance” defines taxation as “a compulsory contribution imposed by a public authority irrespectively of the exact amount of services rendered to tax payers in return and not imposed as a penalty for legal offenders.”
        Mr D.U, Osagiede, a senior lecturer in the department of public administration, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, in his lecture note defines tax a “the demand made by government of a country a compulsory payment of money by the citizens of the country.”
He also defines tax as “compulsory contribution extracted by government from private individuals and group for meeting the cost public services.” Taxation is the oldest and one of the most important areas of financial management. A onetime American president, Benjamin Fraklin, once said, “in this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes.” In a less complex society in which government has few duties and responsibilities, the financial needs of the government are minimal.
        However, as society become complex, the needs of the people become greater and the government assumes greater responsibilities and the financial needs of the government become greater. Consequently, tax increase and their effect on the economy become more important.
In the past, war years, government has utilized taxation as an instrument of regulating the general economy. Since income tax provides a large source of national revenue, its effect on inflation, unemployment, social and economic objective has become a prime consideration in enacting tax law.
        However, taxes are basically direct and indirect. Wills defines tax and differentiated tax by asking a question who pays tax? If I am assessed and I pay it, then it is direct. If I am assessed and another fellow pays it, then it is indirect. Direct taxes are taxes that are charged directly on individual’s income, gains or profit or on corporation. For instance, personal income tax, company income tax, capital gain or capital transfer taxes are examples of direct taxes. While indirect taxes are mostly paid individual by final consumers of goods and services. Examples are stamp duties, import duties, excise duties e.t.c.

Taxation has two main objectives:-
1. Primarily to raise revenue to finance government expenditure.
2. To influence activities in the economy as a whole. Tax policy provides a mechanism for influencing consumer demand and for providing incentive for production, investment and savings. It is a key factor for promoting the government overall economic and social objectives for taxes are use to:-
a.       Achieve economic growth.
b.       Fight inflation, depression and inflation.
c.       Achieve equitable distribution of income and wealth.
d.       Allocate resources in a socially desirable manner.
e.       Discourage the consumption of certain goods.
f.        Encourage and protect new industries within the country.
g.       Ensure that the balance of payment of the country is in a health position.
Taxation in Nigeria is as old as Nigeria itself. With the advent of the colonialists and the subsequent colonial rule, different taxes and their ordinance were introduced in Nigeria in 1904 by the then government of late Lord Lugard, when community tax become operative in Northern Nigeria especially in the Sokoto caliphate.

According to Adeyemo (2002) value added tax is a multistage tax levied and collected on transaction at all stages of sales and distribution. In accounting, value added refers to the incremental value, which a producer employment of labour added to his raw materials or purchase prior to selling the proceeds; goods and services.
Value added is of two types:-
        Output vat which refers to the changes on sales of goods and services paid to the Federal Inland Revenue Service department (which is Known as the integrates tax office) “ITO”
After deduction and input VAT on the other hand means the value added tax paid on goods and services by a vatable person.
Vatable person are individuals, importers, companies and suppliers involved in dealing on goods and services, which are liable to VAT in line with decree number 102 of 1993. each vatable person is expected to register with the local VAT office of Federal Inland Revenue Service (Integrated Tax Office) as tax agent for the collection of VAT from user of vatable goods and service and remission of such to local VAT office of the Inland Revenue in accordance with “FIRS” information circular NO 9304 (1993).
“VAT is a type of tax paid by consumer on goods and services”

According to OSITA (2001) the dividing revenue at the disposal of federal, states and local government vis-à-vis the populace have called for the need for government to explore other avenues to broaden their revenue base. Apart form the reason adduced above, some other reasonable reasons can be offered as explanation why Nigeria choose to introduce VAT.
Some of these are :-
a.   The base of the sales tax as operated under decree 7 of 1986 is narrow it covers only nine categories of goods plus sales and services in registered hotels, motels and similar establishment. Are narrow base of the tax negates the fundamental principle of consumption tax which by nature is expected to cut across consumable goods and services. Value added tax is broader and includes most professional services and banking transaction which are high profit generating sector.
b.   Only locally manufactured goods were targeted by the sales tax decree of 1986. although this might not have been the intention of the law. VAT is neutral in this regard under VAT a considerable part of the tax to be realized is from imported goods. This means that under the new VAT, locally manufactured goods will not be placed at a disadvantage relative to imports.
c.   Since VAT is based on the general consumption pattern of the people, the expected high yield from it would boat the fortunes of the three tires of government with minimum resistance from tax payers.
d.   The study group took this view that VAT would be more effective than sales tax in ensuring compliance, owing to its multi stage collection features; its inclusion of imports in tax base and the more complete audit trail that the tax proves equally account for its introduction.
e.   While a single point retail sales tax efficient at a relatively low rate, it is increasingly difficult to collect as the rate rises, particularly from retailers, who tend to collude with their clients to defraud.
f.    The audit and invoice monitoring is poorer economy.
1.   It has generated enough revenue for the government when compared with the abolished sales tax system of the past.
2.   The revenue accruing to the national offer has helped in boasting the provision of infrastructure facilities as well as providing substantial sum for the servicing of the national debt.
3.   It has tremendously helped through its adoption in facilitating guide development in the area of agriculture, education and pharmaceutical opportunities.
4.   From the records of the revenue derived from VAT from its first two years of its introduction it become obvious that VAT has generated enough revenue for the providing of infrastructural facilities and servicing of debt of Nigeria.
A staggering amount of N8.6 billion within the first year of VAT operation and N21 billion realized in the second year of its introduction were all testimonies to the potentialities of VAT ability to revamp the economy. Through the generation of this huge sum, the tax has effectively assisted the three levels of government in the mobilization and restriction of scare resources to needy sectors the marginal price increase accessional by the introduction VAT to the tune of 5% tax imposition on consumable goods and service have awaken many taxable persons to the need fro discretion in their expenditure and saving patterns.
   Another impact of VAT in our economy is that the stage government were strictly commanded by the federal government to expand whatever is accountable to them from VAT on capital project that have direct bearing to lives and well being of the citizens. It is hoped that the policy will enable tax payers to identify specific public goods financed with VAT proceeds.
   In 1996, a total of N20billion was estimated to be collected from VAT. Under this scenario, the federal government will receive N7.76billion, state governments N8.8billion and local government N5.5billion.
A look at the revenue profile of these taxes shows that in five years before the “VAT” was launched; “FIRS” has not been able to fulfill its statutory obligations on the fiscal system in terms of non-oil taxes. In view of the substantial amount of revenue accruing from VAT to state and local government, the practice of mounting roadblocks for collection of levies on high way has not only diminished but totally stopped in some states. For example, in Kogi State, a decree to check this obnoxious practice of extorting money from the road users was enacted in 1996 this will now facilitate inter-State and inter-government trade. The federal government has the fire (5) zone VAT tribunal to adjudicate VAT dispute promptly.  Also additional twenty-four (24) VAT local offices opened in large local government areas outside state capital. This is to bring tax services nearer to the people and enhancing voluntary compliance as a way of broadening the tax base.
   Another benefit of VAT is that it provides incentives of investors who are interested in  under the sales tax than under VAT because there are no checks with other invoice under VAT because under the sales tax as available under tax
g.   Tax collected the point of importation is easier under VAT than under sales tax when imported goods are taxed at the point.

According to agyei (1983) VAT is primarily meant for tax imposed on value which supplier of goods or services added to the goods or services before selling it. It has been known to be the best way round in improving the revenue base of the federal government when taking a critical look at the adverse effect of the existing sale tax. In furtherance of the tax reform, the federal government set up a study group on indirect taxation in 1991. This committee was set up with the objectives of achieving among other the following:-
1.        Shift taxation towards consumption rather than saving.
2.        Prove incentive for export production.
3.        Provide incentive for reduce dependence on petroleum oil revenue.
4.        Maintain a fairly even tax incidence across various lines, stages and elements of taxation on imported goods.
5.        To elongate the tax base by bringing in those who ordinarily cannot be reached through direct taxation.
6.        To reduce consumption of luxuries.
7.        To curb increase in the consumption of non-essentials.
8.        VAT has become a major source of revenue base for states whose dividing resources have become a cause for concern since developmental project have continued to suffer untold hi-cyosus recent tunes.
9.        Operation of VAT has become a major ingredient of taxation system world-wide and country not complying with it is not absorbed in the technological break-through occasioned by the new tax law.

This phenomenon id expressed in terms of the effect the tax system (VAT) has on the economy of Nigeria. An appraisal of the operation of the Value Added Tax (VAT) in Nigeria is, therefore, expected to unravel the extent to which it has assisted the state to pursue its objectives. Having it at back of one’s mind the general assessment of development countries. Tax system are weak and less productive, appraising the VAT operation become a very necessary exercise.

        There is no gain saying that since the inception of VAT as a method of tax system in Nigeria, noticeable change has been observed to have taken place interim of revenue generation and national development across the country. VAT has significantly placed a tremendous role in the promotion of the nation development in one way or the other below are some of the impacts of “VAT” implementation on the national going into the field of exports production as export under the new tax dispensation has Zero VAT.
        Finally, the yield from VAT is a fair accurate measurement of the growth of the economic growth. The distributed revenue from VAT is used by the state and local government in restructuring the economy therefore showing that the VAT has created a serious impact on the economic development in Nigeria.

        According to money matters (2002) the advantages occasioned by the introduction of VAT in Nigeria can be summarized thus:
a.   VAT provides government with a sure and dependable source of revenue because it can be ascertained or reckoned easily and evasion or avoidance cannot take place easily.
b.   The increase in revenue from these sources can be used to reduce balance of payment deficit and probably reduce the country’s debt burden.
c.   The VAT rate of 5% is flexible and can be increased or reviewed upward to meet revenue shortfall of the government whenever it is desirable to do so.
d.   Since expert is zero rates, the competition of the country’s goods in the international markets will be improved.
e.   VAT has succeeded in shifting the incidence of taxation from income to expenditure.
f.    There is economy in collection, which is cannon under tax and taxing procedures. It has very little cost in term of collection compared to the yield.
g.   Few or non at all of the revenue official may go to the field for collection since remittance by registered person is directed to a designated point of collection.
h.   The revenue from VAT does not fluctuate with trend in economic activities.
Also, the wide coverage of VAT normally result in increased revenue for the government. The retailer, the self-employed and small-scale who usually evades tax will be brought into the tax system. VAT can aptly be described as a low rate with high yield. The value added tax system is more readily accepted by the public because it is embedded in the selling prices of goods and services. It is unseen by the customer and falls on everyone who consume the taxable items. VAT rate is neutral on all types of consumption since products of all business; service of banks, insurance e.t.c will carry the same flat rate of tax. In addition, profitable and marginable business will be taxed the administration and policy of VAT in Nigeria. There is also VAT directorate handed by a director, based in the federal capitals and they are to be coordinated by the zonal co-ordinates at FIRS who will report directly to the VAT directorate on matters relating to VAT.
      The administration and management of VAT in Nigeria is vested on the FBIR, which implement its day-to-day functions through the executive “Agency known as the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). In turn, the FIRS has to appoint the Nigeria custom service (NCS) to called on its behalf the VAT on imports at all Nigerian boarders ports.
      Although value added tax is centrally administered by federal government by using the existing tax machinery of the Federal Inland Revenue Service in close co-operation with the Nigeria custom Service (SIRS) the not proceeds from the new tax accrue solely to the government often making an allowance of 20% to cover the cost of administration.
      However, tax is supposed to be administer according to the tax exports, while evasion should be reduced to the burriest minimum, this is no so, says the Nigeria economist problems, which countries on the European economic community are going through.
Vatable persons are required to keep records and books of all transaction operations, imports and other activities sufficient enough to calculate the correct amount of Value Added Tax (VAT) payable. In effect, all registered person are to keep books and records must be readily available for VAT inspection. Such accountings records must includes among others are the following:-
a.     The cashbook.
b.     Sales/purchase daybook.
c.     Ledger account.
d.     Trail balance.
e.     Profit and loss account.
f.   Balance sheet.
Decree 102 of 1993sets out the procedures for VAT registration in Nigeria as followings:-
a.   The VAT legislation mandate all manufacturers, wholesalers, importers, supplier of taxable goods and service (FIRS) as “registered” agent for VAT administration.
b.   Prospective registrants are expected to obtain and complete the VAT form 001 and return it to the nearest local VAT office where permanent VAT registration number is give to each registration number is given to each registered person.
c.   A registration certificate which should be conspicuously displayed in the place of business is later issued to the registered person as evidence of registration.
d.   Where the taxable activity of an entity is carried on in branches or division or depots and suppliers are made from such outlet each outlet must separately register to VAT.
According to the decree, the rate of tax on taxable goods and services is five percent (5%) flate on their value. Zero rating relates to situation where VAT is charged at zero percent (0%) multiple rating relates to situation where there are different Vat rates for various categories for goods and services.
VAT records are kept for up to six year including
  1. Detail of all input and output VAT together with invoices (copies of invoice issued).
  2. Detail of credit given or receive together with credit notes (copies of invoice issued).
  3. Details of errors or corrections.
  4. Detail of self suppliers
  5. A detail VAT ledger account.
  6. All other documentation relating to purchases and sale such as daybooks.
The tax invoice contains information such as:-
a.   Tax payer identification number (MTN).
b.   Name, address and VAT registration Number.
c.   Types of supply.
d.   A brief description of the goods and services involved.
e.   The rate of VAT.
f.    The rate of any cash discount offered.
g.   Quality of goods or extend of services.
h.   The total VAT payable.
A close analysis of the records of a typical wholesale that buys vatable products from the manufacturers and sells to the retailers will who all that is useful for vat accounting.

According to matta (2002) despite the success recorded by VAT within the six years of its operation, it has equally brought some adverse effect on the people and the economy of the nation. One of the objectives of a good tax system is to reduce inequality in income. A progressive tax system is to redistribute income from the rich to the poor by taxing the rich more than the poor.
Value added tax also has its own negative effect on the workers it help to shoot up the price of good and services leading to high cost of living and eroded workers purchasing power  giving rise to demand for improved condition of service by workers. Happily enough, the administration condition of service by workers. Through Gen Abdulsalam Abubakar responded quickly to the yearning and aspiration of workers by reviewing their salaries upward. The present by also reviewing workers salary upward. The exercise has to its credit of upward review of workers salaries by one hundred and fifty percent (150%).
Finally, the effect equally brought about discouragement in investment by some intending investors. The adverse effect this stand has on government is that tax to be collected on goods from final consumers is blocked.

The change of values added tax (VAT) in Nigeria. It hypothesizes on the tax laws and fraudulent practices, VAT fraud and effect on the government revenue, whistle blowers and effect on fraud detent, prevention and eradication. Based on primary data from questionnaire and personal interviews, the chi-square analysis was employed. It was find that tax laws relating to VAT facilitate fraud, frauds on VAT negative effects on the government revenue and that the introduction. The changes in the value added tax is enormous. The United Kingdom, which introduced VAT in 1973 is still graphing with the problems of evasion.
        Looking objective at the Administration of VAT so far, a lot of anomalies could be identified. Perhaps, the biggest loopholes in the administration of VAT come from its haphazard implementation. In the media interview with the former chairman of FIRS Naiyeju said, VAT for now is not applicable to small stores, market woman and hawkers. This group of people he said will be incorporated later.
The national development across the country VAT has tremendous role in the promotion of the national development in one way or the other.
a.   It has generated enough revenue for the government when compared with the abolished sales tax system of the past.
b.   The revenue accruing to the national coffer has helped in boasting the provision of infrastructure facilities as well as providing substantial sum for the servicing of national debt.
c.   It has tremendously helped through it. Adoption in facilitating guide development in the area of agriculture, education and pharmaceutical opportunities.
d.   From the records of the revenue derived from VAT its first two years of its introduction it become obvious that VAT has generated enough revenue fro providing of infrastructural facilities and servicing of debt of Nigeria.
A staggering amount of N8.6billion within the first year of VAT’s operation and N21billion realized in the second year its introduction were all testimonies to the potentialities of VAT’s ability to revamp the economy.
    The federal government has the five(5) zonal VAT tribunal to adjudicate VAT disputes promptly. Also additional twenty-four(24) VAT local offices opened in large local government areas outside state capital.

        The aim of this chapter is to show the method employed and instrument used in collecting data and the method of processing data. Personal interview was granted by the people. Question were asked on some areas and answer were also given. Observations were made in respect of the likely problems the researcher might face in the course of this study.

        For the purpose of this research work based on the topic the impact of value added tax system in Nigeria, the researcher has carefully identified the statement of the problem and grade effective plans for gathering the necessary data needed for the study.
        The researcher also adopted the study research method to obtain data which consist of a combination of technique such as questionnaire, oral interview and researcher personal observation of the respondents.

        The area of the study is the entire stakeholders including the payers collectors and those that impose VAT on various goods and services, it is however obvious from the foregoing statement that it is practical impossible to cover the whole area due to limited amount of time on the cost involved.
The following area of the study on value added tax:-
a.   Research should be carried out on how government determines the rate of VAT to reveal various stakeholders involved in the determination of the rate.
b.   The computerization in the administration of VAT such that better return will be reported on VAT.
c.   Further research needs to carried out on how to educate member of the public on the issue of VAT regarding the rate in vatable goods and services.
d.   More, since VAT was introduce to replace the sale tax further research can be carried out to find weather there is a better way of charging tax on vatable goods and service  i.e another type of tax to replace VAT.

        In carrying out this research work population samples were chosen for the purpose of collecting data so that analysis leading to a valid conclusion can be carried out.
        The researcher intends to cover a population size of fifty (50) people or persons. But due to financial constraints, the sample size of thirty (30) out of the total population of persons was randomly selected due to the heterogeneous nature of the population.  

        The researcher adopted a simple random sampling method. This is a method which selects sample so that each possible sample has an equal probability of being picked. 1.6 probabilities should be greater than 0.
        The reason for selecting this method of sampling procedure is to enable the researcher sample a considerable number of people with different views and opinions.
        The instrument used in collection of data this researcher made use of interviews questionnaire and empirical observations. This was done by distribution and administration questionnaires to various people. The use of interview guide was also adopted and this was of great help because it provides avenue for researcher to have detailed discussions with various people.
        The  secondary data used in this project was mainly through the reviews of relevant documents from the libraries such as textbook, journals, lecture notes and other selection was based on the fact that it suites the nature of the topic of study.

        The questionnaire was administered on the randomly selected sample of the population federal inland revenue service Lokoja tax office. Fifty (50) copies of the questionnaire was issued out twenty five (25) of it was returned and (25) act returned out of the twenty five (25) returned one is not property filled. Since the questionnaire is A and B, the A part is for the management. Only one copy is issued to the management, which was properly filled and returned.
        Questionnaire were distributed, collected and analysis according to the response to each of the question.
        Secondly, answer from the interview also analysis according to the responses from each question. The responses were later shown through the use of tables. Thus all the data collected were analysed using the chi-square method.

        The data were collected through questionnaire oral interview and personal observation. On the whole, questionnaires were given to people of various categorise.
        Thirty (30) questionnaire were administered, but only twenty five (25) were returned and the researcher considered this an adequate sample size for the purpose of the researcher.
        In this chapter, tables and percentage are also used to present the result and indicate the degree of response in each case the percentage formula will be.
N   X  100                                                                                                                                  TN      1
Where :- N= number of response.
TN = Total number of response
Question 1:
        Is VAT relevant to Nigeria economy.
Table 4.1.1
        Respondent catorized according to their response on the relevant of VAT in Nigeria economy.

No of respondents
No idea

From the above table, the number of yes respondent is 23 while that of No is 2 with 92 and 8 percent respectively. This shows that VAT is relevant to Nigeria economy.

Question 2:
Can Nigeria economy survive without VAT?
Table 4.1.2
Respondents categorized according to their response that can Nigeria survive without VAT?

No of respondents
No idea

Form the above, the numbers of yes respondent is 17 while that of No is 8 with the percentage value of 68 and percentage respectively indicating that Nigeria economy can survive without VAT.
Question 3:-
Is vat the life blood of Nigeria economy?
Table 4.1.3

No of respondents
No idea

Total 4.1.3 above shows that 76% of the response hold the view that VAT is  not the life blood of Nigeria economy.
        Form the above table, the number of yes response are 6 while that of No19 with the percentage value of 24 and 76 respectively.

Question 4:-
Do you agree that the impact of VAT can be removed from Nigeria?
Table 4.1.4

No of respondents
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Table 4.1.4 above show that 40% of the respondents strongly disagree that the impact of VAT can be removed from Nigeria.
Question 5:-
Can it benefit or the impact of VAT be removed over emphasized in Nigeria?
Table 4.1.5

No of respondents
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

The table above shows that about 48% of the respondents strongly disagree that the benefit of the impact of VAT be over emphasized in Nigeria.

Question 6:-
Do you agree that the proceeds from VAT have been used effectively?

No of respondents
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Table 4.1.6 above shows that about 80% of the respondents strongly agreed that the proceeds from VAT have been used effectively.

Question 7:-
If you answer to question 6 is A, comment?
        The respondent strongly agree that the proceed from VAT have been used effectively and comment that the proceeds realized from VAT are used for projects.
Question 8:
        If your answer to question 6 is C comment:
 Table 4.1.6 above show that 8% of the respondent strongly disagree that the proceeds from VAT have not been used effectively. They comment that they disagree because of misappropriations of the money realized. They also comment that most of the proceeds go into private pockets.

Question 9:-
Do you operate on both taxation and non-taxable goods?
Table 4.1.7
No of respondents
No idea
The table above shows that the number of yes respondent is 5 and that of No is 20 and with the percentage value of 20 and 80 respectively which indicates that most of the people do not operate on both taxable and non-taxable goods but on vatable goods and services.

        Having aimed out the above  analysis on the information gotten  from the respondent in which questionnaire designed in this research work were sent to have examine critically, it is no doubt that tax evasion and avoidance experience in taxation system has a great import on the revenue of the government. How it become obvious and indispensable that tax evasion and avoidance of not checked has a drastic affection the government revenue which may go a long way in curtailing the government from carrying out her responsibility.
        Equally, a critical analysis of 50% flat rate of VAT shows that the application of that rate is not justifiable this stems from that fact that levy is imposed on everybody irrespective of the area one is dealing in the goods and services with the exception of those goods and services that are law, exempted from VAT.

        To this research work, it was discovered that in Nigeria the need for government to raise enough revenue to meet her responsibilities to citizenry has necessitated the introduction of various forms of taxation in addition to revenue accruing from oil and other sources. One of such taxes is Value Added Tax (VAT) which is the main focus of this research work.
        VAT has therefore been defined as tax on consumption chargeable on the supply of goods and service throughout the country as well. It is a tax on supply of goods and service which is eventually borne by the final consumers, but collected at each stage of the production and distribution chain according to the value added at each stage or chain. This tax is brine by the final consumers because it is included in the price paid is at flat rate of 5%.
        The purpose of VAT is to replace the existing sales tax which has been in operation since 1986 in Nigeria under decree No7 of 1986 are boarder than include most professional services and banking transaction which are high revenue generating sectors.
        The first country to impose VAT in its comprehensive form is Brazil in 1957. In a nutshell, this project has examined the role of VAT as a supplementary source of government revenue. We also discussed its general objectives, advantages, negative and positive impact VAT has no economic development of Nigeria. The choice of VAT over sales tax and the operational problems that attended its introduction and implementation in Nigeria has been critically reviewed.

        It is too early to access the efficiency of VAT and its impact on the nation’s economy; and given the fact that it is a highly complex system of taxation, if may take a while before the fiscal importance of tax be appreciated. It is a new source of revenue for state governments, and with higher rates and better administering in future. It contributes substantially to the pursue of the states and local governments. This has helped to increase the finance occurring the two tiers of government, thereby reducing the budget deficit as well. After all, for the past few years, Nigeria hitherto deficit has now assumed a new dimension as well now with balance budget or surplus budget. Indeed, Value Added Tax (VAT) is a discovery that could help launch Nigeria into economic buoyancy and prosperity. In conclusion, this specially reserved project has observed that VAT is an efficient way of imposing tax on goods and services. The researcher strongly believes that for our economy to improve considerably there has to be an improvement in the ways of generating revenue through the tax levy of which VAT is one.
        With the successful introduction of VAT, government is now shifting its emphasis from income tax to the evasion and the same time progressive in nature. In spite of the initial problems. VAT has gradually been accepted as a viable form of tax in Nigeria. As a replacement of sales tax, its proceeds exceed that of sales tax proceeds. As tax on consumption the final burden falls on the consumer or vatable goods and services. It can therefore be seen that Vat has come to stay and its future prospect in Nigeria is very high.

        In order to ease the regressive burden of tax under VAT, other countries using VAT tries to make it more progressive by exempting and zero rating items that weigh heavily on the budget of the poor. I am of the opinion that this method has not adequately helped the poor. It is recommended here that using wage supplement to compensate low families will be the best alternative. Also, using VAT proceeds for public facilities that will benefit the poor may be better.
        Based on our person experience in the course of the research work, the following suggestion are highly recommended for effective implementation and greater yield from VAT:-
i.        More efforts should be geared towards enlightenment campaign about VAT to the teeming population of this country. Hand bills, Radios and Television adverts should be consistently and aggressively embarked upon so that the populace know in details the concepts and benefits of VAT.
ii.        Most of the VAT offices lack sophisticated equipments in the areas of computers. None of the offices is connected to the internet. Government is therefore advices to speed up efforts to put in place all the necessary machineries and facilities that would make the work easier and faster.
iii.        Motivation as a tool to efficiency should be upheld by the FIRS through the federal government. The staff associated with VAT collection should be motivated by way the of salary increase and other monetary incentives.
iv.        Considering the yearly increase in revenue generated by VAT, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive survey of vatable organization so as to be able to determine to some extent, the expected revenue from Vat every year. This job could be contracted out to specialist in such field as a professional accountant.
v.        The rate of VAT should, if possible, be increased gradually to encompass multiple rate of 5%, 10%, 15% ranging from the items mostly by the low class, middle class and the rich respectively. If the above recommendations are followed accordingly, revenue generated through VAT will be strengthened, so that the reliance placed on petroleum will be reduced.
Bhatin H.L (2001) Public Finance. Printed And Published by Vikas Publishing House, POT Ltd.
Tabansi A.C (1994), Nigeria Taxation For Students A.C Odinega Publishers Ltd 2nd edition.
Egunjobi A.A (2004) Economics Made Easy Printed Quality Publishers; Benin, Edo State.
Ajayi J.O (1994) Paper Presented and published by Graduate Accountant Magazine, University of Ilorin.
Paul K.T (1989) Basic  Economics for West Africa Printed and Published in Nigeria by Idodo Umoh Publishers Ltd.
Umoru T.A (2004) Basic Research Method; Competences and application. Onavi Printing and Publishing Co Ltd Lokoja.
Federal Inland Revenue Service Information Circulation No5: 9340, 9305 and 9501.

Department of Accountancy,
School of Management Studies,
Kogi State Polytechnic,
14th November, 2013.
Dear Sir/Madam,
        This research project is designed on the topic “THE IMPACT OF VALUE ADDED TAX SYSTEM IN NIGERIA”.
        This questionnaire is designed specially to seek your opinion on the IMPACT OF VAT SYSTEM IN NIGERIA. A case study of FIRS, Lokoja.
        The research is part of the requirement for the academic execise for the award of National Diploma in Accountancy in Kogi State Polytechnic.
        We wish to assure you that any opinion expressed on this questionnaire by you shall be treated secret.
        Please tick the appropriate box that agrees with your opinion.

                                                                        Yours faithfully,

 this section is for the respondents to give information about themselves.
1. Education qualification:
(a)        Primary (    )   (b) Secondary (    )    (c) Tertiary (    )
2. Working Experience:
(a)  1-10 years (    )  (b) 11-20 years (    )   (c) 21-30 (    )                 (d) 31 year and above (    )
1.   Is VAT relevant to Nigeria Economy?
(a)  yes (    )    (b) No (    )        (c) No idea (    )
2.   Can Nigeria economy survive without VAT?
(a)  yes (    )    (b) No (    )        (c) No idea (    )
3.   Is VAT the life blood of Nigeria economy?
(a)  yes (    )    (b) No (    )        (c) No idea (    )
4.   Do you agree that the impact of VAT can be removed from Nigeria?
(a)  yes (    )    (b) No (    )        (c) No idea (    )
5.   Can the benefit or impact of TAX or VAT be overemphasized in Nigeria economy?
(a)  Strongly agree (    )     (b) agree (    )    (c) strongly disagree (    )
(d) disagree (    )
6.   Do you agree that the proceeds from VAT have been used effectively?
(a) Strongly agree (    )    (b) agree (    )    (c) strongly disagree (    )
(d) disagree (    )
7.   If your answer to question 7 is (a) or (d) then comment
8.   Do you operate on both taxable and non-taxable goods?
g.   yes (    )    (b) No (    )        (c) No idea (    )


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